Sixteenth SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation 2009The Functions of Argument and Social Context |
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Gouran, Dennis, ed. The Functions of Argument and Social Context. Washington: National Communication Association, 2010.
pp. "Title," Author
11 "Transparency Work and Argumentation Design in Deliberation about Business in Society, " Mark Aakhus, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
18 "Finding Resistance from
Betwixt and Between: Ritual Liminality as Counter-Warrant to Culture as Enthymeme,"
Jennifer J. Asenas and Karen Rasmussen, California State University, Long Beach
25 "Engagement, Time, and Flow: Prospects for Obama's America," Shawn Batt, Michigan State University
32 "Investigating Public Controversy Through the Inscriptions of Non-Humans: Objects as Sources of Puzzlement and as Symbols," Chantal Benoit-Barné, Université de Montréal
39 "Ready to Fight: FDR's "Pre-War" Discourse and the Creation of an 'American' Identity," Emily A. Berg, University of Minnesota
46 "Framing Discourse as Argument
in Appellate Courtrooms: Three Cases on Same-Sex Marriage," Robert T. Craig
and Karen Tracy, University of Colorado at Boulder
54 "Glamorization of Gore Through Visual Argument: An Analysis of Dexter Advertisements," Anne Davis, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
60 "Radical Politics, Minor Polemics and the Transfiguration of Public Forms," Melissa Deem, University of New Hampshire
67, "Context, Historiography, and Fragmentation of the Past," David C. Deifell, Ashford University
75 "Naturally Occurring Refutation: Examining Argumentation in City Council Discussions over Iraq," Aaron Dimock, University of Nebraska, Kearney
83 "Civil Disobedience as a Democratic Argument Form," James Patrick Dimock and Sarah Eckstein, Minnesota State University Mankato, and Aaron Dimock, University of Nebraska Kearney
91 "The Power of Medical Activism: MPD Patients Shape Medical Research," Valeria Fabj, Lynn University
98 "Deliberation in a Contested Medical Context: Developing a Framework to Aid Family Decision Making when an Adolescent Son Faces Fertility-Threatening Cancer Treatment," Kathleen M. Galvin, Northwestern University
107 "Our Greatest Confusion: Evolution, Cooperation, and 'Survival of the Fittest'," Eric M. Gander, Baruch College, CUNY
116 "What's So Bad About the Ivory Tower, Anyway?: Arguing the Academic Enterprise," Ryan Gillespie, University of Southern California
124 "'Because there aren't enough
spoons': Creating Contextually-Organized Online Argument Through
Reconstruction," Miriam Greenfeld Benovitz, Rutgers University
131 "The Divergent Contexts
of PETA's Veggie Love Commercial and the Re-appropriation of Public Argument,"
Dustin Greenwalt, Baylor University
137 "Yankee Argumentative Culturetypes: The Case of Obama vs. McCain," Bruce E. Gronbeck, University of Iowa
145 "Generative Arguments: The Display of National Loyalty in Americanization Parades," Leslie A. Hahner, Baylor University
151 "Uncle Sam Wants Your Son or Daughter: Defining a Mother's Role in the Military Context," Heidi E. Hamilton, Emporia State University
158 "Feminists for Life and
the Use of Appropriational Argument in the Abortion Controversy," Leslie
J. Harris and Kimberly Smith, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
164 "The Role of Audience in Public Diplomacy Argumentation," Craig A. Hayden, American University
172 "Conscientious Objections: Debating Both Sides and the Cultures of Democracy," Darrin Hicks, University of Denver and Ronald Walter Greene, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
179 "Barack Obama and America's Journey: Implicit and Explicit Arguments about Race," Thomas A. Hollihan, University of Southern California
187 "A Rhetorical Schema for Evaluating "The Other" in Satirical Imagery: The New Yorker Cartoon on Barack Obama," Safiyya Hosein, Lynn University
194 "Personality and Power in Argument," Tatiana N. Ivanova Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
202 "The Effects of Format Changes on Viewers' Perceptions of Arguments Made by Obama and McCain in the 2008 Presidential Debates," Jeffrey W. Jarman, Wichita State University
211 "Serial Arguments and Argument Type: Comparing Serial Arguments About Public and Personal Issue Argument Topics," Amy Janan Johnson, Joshua M. Averbeck, Katherine M. Kelley, and Shr-Jie Liu, University of Oklahoma
219 "From the Suppressed Premise to the Repressed Premise: The Unconscious as a Location of Enthymeme," Kevin A. Johnson, California State University, Long Beach
226 "Accidental Image Events and Overidentification: The Boston Mooninite Scare," Paul Elliot Johnson, University of Iowa
233 "The Body, Materiality, Argumentation: Re-reading Marshall McLuhan's Understanding Media," Hideki Kakita, Dokkyo University
241 "Family Argument: A Model of Family Communication in Crisis," Sandra M. Ketrow and Rachel L. DiCioccio, University of Rhode Island
250 "Creating Discursive Space to Consider Incongruous Perspectives: The Role of Dialogical Mechanisms in Argument," Susan L. Kline, Ohio State University
259 "Argument in Critical Elections," James F. Klumpp, University of Maryland
266 "Making Sense of the No on Proposition 8 Campaign: The Failure of Non-Ideological Argumentation," Ben Krueger, University of Maryland
274 "Speaker Points, Wins, and Losses: A History of the Evolution of Academic Debate and its Place within Communication Studies," Brian Lain, University of North Texas
281 "Authors, Audiences, and
Argument: ABC's LOST and Narrative Agency After 9/11, Brian Lain and Shaun Treat,
University of North Texas
289 "A Politics of Erasure: Race and Color-Blind Rhetoric in Supreme Court Opinions," Catherine L. Langford, Texas Tech University
296 "A Dichotomy Worth Dissolving: Conviction is to Philosophy and Objectivity as Persuasion is to Rhetoric and Subjectivity," Lenore Langsdorf, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
300 "Natality vs. Mortality: Gender and Embodiment in Hannah Arendt's Political Philosophy," Joan Faber McAlister, Drake University
307 "Moments of Karma: The Daily Show, Multimedia and Vernacular Argument," Ryan Erik McGeough, Louisiana State University
314 "'It's Bigger than Hip-Hop'":
Don Imus and the Racial Enthymeme," Michael K. Middleton and Nicholas A.
Russell, University of Utah
322 "View from the Summit: Perspectives on Forensics Scholarship and Research from the 2009 Policy Debate Summit and Development Conference," Gordon R. Mitchell, University of Pittsburgh
331 "Equality as an Ideograph: The Gay Rights Movement and Proposition 8," Megan E. Morrissey, The University of Colorado at Boulder
338 "Troping Violence: Toward the Confluence of Rationality, Myth, and Rhetorical Invention," David Moscowitz, College of Charleston
346 "Bridging the Communicative Divide: Wafaa Bilal, Performative Politics, and the Visible Body," Jane Munksgaard, University of Georgia
353 "The Inarticulate Gender-Bending Performance of Vice-Presidential Nominee Sarah Palin," Denise L. Oles, Drake University
359 "Censorship, Discourse, and Performativity," Heidi Owens, Georgia State University
365 "Domesticating Repression: Responses to Suffrage Advocates' Body Argument in Postcards Depicting Police and Suffrage Advocates' Interactions," Catherine H. Palczewski, University of Northern Iowa
375 "Converting Classrooms to Borderlands: Creating Spaces for Criticism," Samuel P. Perry, Georgia State University
381 "Translating Religious Arguments
for the Public Sphere: Constructing "Overlapping Consensus" in the
over Same-Sex Marriage," Carrie Anne Platt, North Dakota State University
389 "The Rhetorical Cultivation of Time: Stanton's 'The Solitude of Self'," G. Mitchell Reyes, Lewis & Clark College
396 "The Many Sides of "Switch-Sides Debate": Perspective-Taking and the Limits of Liberal-Deliberative Practice," John Rief, University of Pittsburgh, and Kevin Cummings, Mercer University
403 "Arguing for Survival: Strategic
Communication and Narrative Accounts of Change in the News Industry," Patricia
Riley, Nicole Usher, and Thomas Hollihan, University of Southern California
412 "Treason or Tyranny? : Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr," Jeremy Rogerson, Texas A&M University
419 "A Generative Form of Critical Publicity," Kate Zittlow Rogness, St. John's University
426 "The Enlightenment Roots of Obama's New Politics," Robert C. Rowland, The University of Kansas
433 "Breaking the Fourth Wall: Judicial Activism as Agency for Change in College Policy Debate," Christopher D. Salinas, Southern Methodist University
440 "Rationalizing Torture at Abu Ghraib: Argumentation in the Schlesinger Report," Janice Schuetz, University of New Mexico
447 "Moments of Inevitability in Economic Argument," David P. Schulz, Trinity Lutheran College
454 "Advanced Variations of
Simulated Atonement: Blame Displacement and George W. Bush's Apologia for the
WMD Scandal," Ryan M. Shepard, University of Kansas
461 "A Flexible Art: Re-imagining Goodnight's Public, Private, and Technical Spheres Through the Lens of the Internet," Kimberly Alecia Singletary, Northwestern University
468 "Surrogate Families and Other Visual Argumentation Strategies: Singles and Seniors in the Genre of Photogreeting Cards," Shannon Skarphol Kaml, Metropolitan State University
476 "Perceptions of Risk Evidence: Are All Statistics Considered Equal?" Christine Skubisz, University of Maryland
485 "Shame on You Mbeki! The Problem of Denialism in South African AIDS Discourse, Ryan Solomon, University of Wisconsin-Madison
492 "The Temple of Obama: Visual Intertextuality and the 2008 Democratic National Convention," Sarah E. Spring, University of Iowa
499 "Nathaniel Hawthorne's Greatest Fiction: The Epideictic Function in Pierce's Presidential Campaign," Michael Warren Tumolo, The California State University, Stanislaus
505 "Constraints on Political
Deliberation: European Parliamentary Debate as an Argumentative Activity Type,"
Frans H. van Eemeren and Bart Garssen, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
515 "Hidden Agency: Conspiratorial Control Over the Shaping of the 9/11 Commission Report," Chara K. Van Horn, The University of Tennessee at Martin
523 "Isocratic Citizenship: Toward a Pedagogy of Citizen Orators," Scott J. Varda, Baylor University
529 "Making the Fantastic Persuasive: Malcolm X's Use of History as Rhetorical Argument," Scott J. Varda, Baylor University
535 "Loving and a Legacy of Difference," Mary Lynn Veden, University of Washington
543 "Death as a Text: State Killings as Public Argument," Ben Voth, Southern Methodist University
550 "Facebook, Diasporic-Virtual Publics, and Networked Argumentation," Don Waisanen, University of Southern California
558 "Citizen Putin: Presidential
Argument and the Invitation to (Democratic) Citizenship," David Cratis
Williams and Noemi Marin, Florida Atlantic University
565 "The Impact of Policy Debate on Inner-City Schools: The Milwaukee Experience," Carol Winkler, Georgia State University
572 "Obama's Lincoln: Uses of the Argument from Historical Analogy," David Zarefsky, Northwestern University
579 "'Looks Count': Newspaper Accounts of the First Kennedy-Nixon Debate during the 2004 Presidential Campaign," Sara Ann Mehltretter, The Pennsylvania State University, and Dale A. Herbeck, Boston College
587 "Arguments for Local Control
in a Global Marketplace: The Struggle for the Los Angeles Times," Patricia
Riley, Thomas Hollihan, and N. B. Usher, University of Southern California