Nineteenth SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation 2015Recovering Argument |
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Lake, Randall A., ed. Recovering Argument. New York: Routledge, 2018.
pp. "Title," Author
1 "Introduction: Recovering Argument," Randall A. Lake
3 '''Lafayette, we are here!': Why Did the United States Commemorate Its World War I Dead in Europe?" V. William Balthrop and Carole Blair
16 "Introduction: In Celebration of Bruce Gronbeck (1941–2014)"
17 "Recovering Bruce Gronbeck: Reflection on Argument’s Role in Rhetorical History" Michael Janas
22 "Recovering Bruce Gronbeck: Reflecting on Argument’s Role in Political Rhetoric" Heidi Hamilton
27 "Recovering Bruce Gronbeck at Alta: Theory and the Critic of Argumentation" David B. Hingstman
33 "Stories of Origin: Recovering Atomic Histories in the Noisy Nuclear Culture of Richland, Washington" R. Brandon Anderson
39 "Temporary Holocaust Tattoos: Recovering Signs for Collective Prosthetic Memory" Linda Diane Horwitz and Daniel C. Brouwer
45 "Gorbachev’s Argument for Perestroika: Forgotten or Remembered?" Ludmila Hyman
51 "'The Blind Remembrance': Rhetorical Tensions in the 1962 Emancipation Proclamation Centennial" Anne C. Kretsinger-Harries
57 "Recovering Nature: Memory and Scientific Argument at the American Museum of Natural History" Chandra A. Maldonado
63 "The Agency of the Archive and the Challenges of Classification" Angela G. Ray
69 "Conspiracy as Legal Doctrine and Historiographical Framework: From the Nuremberg Trial to Contemporary Holocaust Denial Discourse" Laura Alberti
75 "Recovering Patton’s Speech: Materializing Persistent Arguments" Stephen J. Heidt
81 "The Irony of Originalist Arguments in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission" Kevin A. Johnson and Michael K. Middleton
87 "Argument Constellations in Voting Rights Debates" Catherine H. Palczewski
93 "Me and Michael McGee: Recovering an Isocratean Tradition in the Art of Argumentation" Geoffrey D. Klinger
100 "Recovering Argumentation’s Figurative Domain" Ilon Lauer
106 "Recovering Rational Argument: A Case Study of MMR Vaccine Skeptics" Brett Bricker
112 "Carbon Sink: Higher Education and the Liberal Public Sphere" Travis Cram
118 "Challenges to Recovering Arguments Once Challenged in the Public Sphere" Edward A. Hinck
125 "Fact-Checking and the Liberal Public Sphere: Can Argument Be Recovered?" Jeffrey W. Jarman
131 "Recovering the Potential of Argument in the Public Sphere: Moms Demand Action and Threats of Gendered Violence in the Gun Control Debate" Sarah T. Partlow Lefevre
138 "Recovering Trust: Mothers’ Anti-Vax to Pro-Vax Conversions" Beth L. Boser
144 "Recovering from Autism: A Rhetorical Perspective" Matthew G. Gerber
150 "The Logic(s) of Diagnosis: An Argumentative Analysis of Controversy Over the Inclusion of PTSD Into Official Psychiatric Nomenclature (1975-1978)" Joel Lemuel
157 "Healthy Disagreement: Exploring Medical Controversies Through Structured Public Debates" Gordon R. Mitchell
163 "Recovering From Pathological Argumentation: A Theory of Argument Systems and Intersubjective Psychosis" L. Paul Strait
169 "When Things Argue" G. Thomas Goodnight
176 "Ebola, Reason, and Fear" James F. Klumpp
182 "Recovering Productive Pity to Motivate Americans to Corrective Action on Africa’s Ebola Crisis: Lessons From Kenneth Burke and Senator Christopher Coons" Kathryn M. Olson
188 "Ebola and the Liberal Public Sphere" Robert C. Rowland
195 "The Ebola Crisis as an Interfield Dispute" David Zarefsky
201 "The Case of Shura City: Rhetorical Cartography, Argument Mapping, and the Global War on Terror" Heather Ashley Hayes
206 "Discovering and Recovering Arguments About Terror: Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama in Comparative Perspective"Loretta Rowley, Kevin Coe, and Robert Layne
213 "Recovering Argument by Dissociation: ISIL, Hayat Boumeddiene, and the Networked Security State" Carol Winkler
218 "Recovering Cross-Cultural Audience(s) in Presidential Public Argument" Andrew D. Barnes
223 "El Sisi, Anticategoria, and Recovering Egypt" Randall Fowler
229 "Problematic Constraints on the Successful Exercise of Leadership, Their Negative Impact, Palliative Measures, and Argument as a More Effective Remedy" Dennis S. Gouran
234 "Recovering Responsibility: The Rhetoric of Responsibility in Presidential Policy Debates" Scott Harris
240 "Prime Minister Abe’s Critical Turn: From the Ideology of “A Beautiful Country” to the Metaphor of “Three Arrows”" Hiroko Okuda, Takeshi Suzuki, and Hiroshi Matsusaka
246 "Twitter: How Terministic Screens Polarize Presidential Debates" Michael Eisenstadt
252 "Perspective by Incongruity in Internet Memes: The Case of the 2015 Japanese Hostage Crisis" Naoki Kambe
258 "Digital Conspiracy Argument and the Recovery of Nonverbal Communication as Signs of Complicity" Ryan Neville-Shepard
264 "Arguments for Everybody: Social Media, Context Collapse, and the Universal Audience" Don Waisanen
270 "The Subversive Sister: An Analysis of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz’s Appropriation of Masculine Classical Form" Sara Baugh-Harris
276 "Recovery as Discovery: Finding Lucy" Nicole Williams Barnes
281 "Argumentation in the Identity Politics of the Trans Selfie: Recovering Greek Mythology to Analyze Contemporary Gender Arguments" Emma Frances Bloomfield
287 "The Restrained Tongue: Recovering Bathsua Makin’s Weapon in 17th-Century England" Meredith Neville-Shepard
293 "Recovering Bodies of Argument: Refuting Rape Rationalizations in Public Discourse" Joan Faber McAlister
299 "Virtual Violations: Shaming Rape Victims via Social Media Memes" Denise Oles-Acevedo
304 "Recovering Rape: Sexual Violence in Women’s Public Address in the United States, 1848–1915" Kari Storla
310 "Genre, Modality, and Written Rap Battles: A Preliminary Investigation" Eli T. Bacon
316 "A Critical Recovery of Images as Arguments: Manipulation, Distortion, and Debating Abortion" James Patrick Dimock, Katie Brunner, Brandon McCasland, and Mandy Paris
321 "Evental Images and the Generation of Argument" Leslie A. Hahner
327 "Corporeal Anxiety: The Visual Argumentation of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Tips From Former Smokers Public Service Announcements" Jacob Justice
333 "Recovering Tragedy: Tragic Argument and Nonviolent Protest" Ryan Erik McGeough
339 "Examining Presentational Devices: Strategic Maneuvering in Lipitor’s Direct-to-Consumer Drug Advertising" Lucas Youngvorst
344 "Emotions, Perceived Resolvability, and Conflict Strategy Usage in K–12 Parent–Teacher Serial Arguments" Jennifer L. Bevan, Roxanne Greitz Miller, and Casey Hamilton
350 "Clarifying the Idea of Argument Stakes" Dale Hample, Yiwen Dai, and Mengqi Zhan
357 "A New Measurement for Argument Topic Interdependence in Serial Arguments" Amy Janan Johnson and Ioana A. Cionea
363 "Lines of Argument in Regulative Messages: Comparisons Across Three Decades" Susan L. Kline
369 "Recovering Debate Coach as Civic Figure: Highly Active Debate Coaches, Their Participation in Civic Outreach Activities, and Reward Perceptions" Brian Lain, Mark Hlavacik, Matea Ivanovic, and Brian Ontiveros-Kersch
375 "Pathos in Intercollegiate Debate: Emotion as an Argumentative Warrant" William Mosley-Jensen and Nathan Rothenbaum
380 "Recovering and Celebrating Controversy: Justifications for Intercollegiate Policy Debate for the 21st Century" Edward Panetta and R. Jarrod Atchison
386 "Debate as Oral Activity" Dallas Perkins
392 "Recovering the Scientific Polemic: Exploring Alfred Kinsey’s Rhetoric" Brendon Bankey
398 "Recovering That Which Never Was Truly Lost: Richard McKeon, the United Nations, and the Importance of Democracy in a World of Tensions" Matthew P. Brigham
403 "Dissenting to Dispassion: Recovering Pathos in Judicial Rhetoric Through Justice Harry Blackmun’s Opinion in Callins v. Collins" Mikaela Malsin
409 "Recovering the Argumentative Limits of the Open Letter: Jackie Robinson’s Open Letters" Scott J.Varda and Abraham I. Khan